The SB Storm, the best new mid-drive on the market! Specs: - 72v 75ah battery - 130 miles of range - 14,000 watts - 200a controller - 75 mph top speed Currently,The SB Storm, the best new mid-drive on the market! Specs: - 72v 75ah battery - 130 miles of range - 14,000 watts - 200a controller - 75 mph top speed Currently,SB Storm / 14,400w – E-STRAPZ,OEM YAMAHA RoadStar Road Star XV17ATMW CONTROL RACK COVER,The SB Storm, the best new mid-drive on the market! Specs: - 72v 75ah battery - 130 miles of range - 14,000 watts - 200a controller - 75 mph top speed Currently