アート・デザイン・音楽 Sidewalk Stories Photo by Salvo Galano
echonwc #johnecho and @goal_gomd_shaolin.y.c #goalgomd #graffitiart — as seen in #statenisland #shaolin #graffiti #urbancalligraphy #calligraffiti #nycgraffiti #graffitinyc #statenislandgraffiti,Puerto Vallarta Street Art | Destinations Detours and Dreams,Queens-based, Brazilian-born artist Priscila De Carvalho (@prisciladecarvalhoxx) recently completed an asphalt art mural activating nearly 5,000 square feet of pedestrianized, asphalt space as part of the 34th Ave “Paseo Park” Open Street,Lapiztola, cutting thru the… | View From Casita Colibrí,Exploring Chicago's Wabash Arts Corridor — Toone's Travels