SHIBUYA109ヲタ活イラスト Cherry BulletファンのLulletさんたちはガーリーでエネルギッシュ❤️ チェリーモチーフを巧みに取り入れてて ファッションがめっちゃかわいいかったよ🍒 お手製のチェリーケーキを作ってペンライトなどの グッズと写真を撮るのがトレンドなん ,🚨 New Stu who dis Sale 🚨 Majority of prints are 18x24 $60 Local $80 shipped *First Woozy Print has a blemish from storage Shoutout to everyone who's ever supported I'm glad,🚨 New Stu who dis Sale 🚨 Majority of prints are 18x24 $60 Local $80 shipped *First Woozy Print has a blemish from storage Shoutout to everyone who's ever supported I'm glad,☆ one of the lil characters i made to draw them in fun outfits ☆ (i think im also gonna post their friend, 3rd pic <3) if i draw them more they'll,72ワークショップ (@kl72ws) on X